A friend of mine(THANK YOU SueMac!) recently did a video of a day in her life and I thought that was such a clever idea. However, there is no way I could accomplish this. There is no way I could get W everywhere and man a camera so I thought I would just log a written account of an audio day for you. All commentary is W speaking except when specified as someone else. So here goes:
2:58AM-Good morning Mama! Can I watch TV?
3:05 AM-Can I watch TV?
3:20 AM-Can I watch TV?
3:30AM-Falls back to sleep thank you LORD!!!
6:00AM-(Teen) Mom where is the Tylenol?
6:30AM-(Skittles) Paw scratching my face (Dog translation-I have to go outside!!!)
7:00AM-(Wade) Hi honey I am home! (Husband home from business trip)
7:05AM-I am hungry, let's go downstairs
7:06AM-(Teen again)Mom the cinnamon rolls say bake for 13-15 minutes. How long do I bake them? (Really?)
7:10AM-Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
7:15AM-Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
7:20AM-Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
7:25AM-Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
7:30AM-I am hungry but I don't want cinnamon rolls. Will you play on the Wii with me?
7:35AM-No I do not want any of the 25 things you have offered me for breakfast. I want Burger King so I can have the Transformer toy I just saw on TV. Can we go there? Crying ensues.
7:40AM-Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
7:45AM-Mom C ate all the cinnamon rolls!
7:46AM Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
7:50AM-I am hungry!
8:00AM-I am tired. I am going to go lie down.
8:01AM-Mom will you play on the Wii with me?
I will spare you the rest but you get an idea of a typical morning and you can just imagine how much fun living with an OCD child is for the rest of the day!! It is never a dull moment that is for sure! And I have learned to sleep in 5 minute intervals. We just take it for what it is and most of the time just go on but I am not saying that sometimes I don't loose it with the repeating. But in our family we try to see the funny in things. Some things you can either laugh at it or cry. And we would sure rather be laughing so I hope you can see the funny in this as well.
Sidebar: W just asked me if bad ass is a bad word! Wonder what teen he heard that from????? It is going to be a looonnnggg day.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
To Retain or not to retain...THAT is the question

Well the time has come for me to eat crow! At the end of the school year, W's teacher, who I do not think did a good job, but that is another entry, told me that she thought I should retain W in kindergarten for another year. Not my baby!!! He is brilliant!
Then the new counselor who has never laid one eyeball on my child called me on the phone and said that according to my chart I was "undecided" about retention for next year. Well any of you that know me can imagine how that flew all over me. "I am not undecided about anything," I told her. "I am quite clear on all the facts." Then I proceeded to write letters voicing my displeasure over the schools lack of efforts on my child's part and his getting kicked out of his IEP and yadda yadda yadda.
So I hired tutors to teach W to read and write this summer and get him ready for first grade. Tutors who know W like a book and who I trust completely. They sat me down last week and recommended that I indeed need to retain W another year in kindergarten. That in spite of all our efforts, he is just not ready. I should continue to pursue my quest for a new IEP and hand pick his teacher with the aid of the principal and counselor. UGH now I have to call that ding dong counselor and eat crow! What I do for my kids!!
Oh well, the pitfalls of being passionate about stuff, right? Sometimes you have to eat crow. But the other times? You get er done!!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Another disaster (I mean doctor) appointment.
Well I am trying to figure out a way to describe what happened at W's doctor appointment in a positive light. But I cannot think of any. It was truly an event that I could never accurately portray and even if I could, you would never believe it. The hardest part of the whole thing is to get people to understand that we are not dealing with a rational thinking child. He is an anxiety ridden ball of OCD and language barriers that make it impossible to reason with or negotiate with him. I tried to explain this to the nurse as she was getting ready to do "lab work" and she said oh I know. My son is just like that. That told me right there that she had no friggin clue what was about to happen- that the next few minutes would play out like a scene from Rosemary's Baby.
As soon as the word blood work was mentioned, W bolted for the door. The fight began as W went into complete survival mode-fight or flight. I will spare you all the gory details but in the end, the room looked like we had slaughtered a pig in there and W left with 2 blown veins, the nurse was bandaged, everyone had blood on their clothes, and no blood work was achieved. We hung our heads in shame and slunk to the car.
Let me back up a minute. Before the massacre started, the doctor tells me they want to admit W to the hospital for 24 hours and insert a tube in his nose and down his esophagus to be left there for a day to measure his pH levels. OK people, W will never cooperate enough for this to happen. My concerns, as usual, were dismissed as those of a neurotic mother who is overprotective. After the massacre, I think they finally see what I was talking about.
We left the doctor's office and Wade and I sat in the car in silence for several minutes not knowing what to do or say. Finally, Wade broke the silence and said, "There is no way he will allow them to put a tube down his nose. It is not worth the trauma to him." Hallelujah!!! The voice of reason! We are thankfully on the same page and I will be calling the doctor on Tuesday to cancel procedure. The doctor's office will be doing the happy dance after my call I am sure!!!
As soon as the word blood work was mentioned, W bolted for the door. The fight began as W went into complete survival mode-fight or flight. I will spare you all the gory details but in the end, the room looked like we had slaughtered a pig in there and W left with 2 blown veins, the nurse was bandaged, everyone had blood on their clothes, and no blood work was achieved. We hung our heads in shame and slunk to the car.
Let me back up a minute. Before the massacre started, the doctor tells me they want to admit W to the hospital for 24 hours and insert a tube in his nose and down his esophagus to be left there for a day to measure his pH levels. OK people, W will never cooperate enough for this to happen. My concerns, as usual, were dismissed as those of a neurotic mother who is overprotective. After the massacre, I think they finally see what I was talking about.
We left the doctor's office and Wade and I sat in the car in silence for several minutes not knowing what to do or say. Finally, Wade broke the silence and said, "There is no way he will allow them to put a tube down his nose. It is not worth the trauma to him." Hallelujah!!! The voice of reason! We are thankfully on the same page and I will be calling the doctor on Tuesday to cancel procedure. The doctor's office will be doing the happy dance after my call I am sure!!!
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