Well the time has come for me to eat crow! At the end of the school year, W's teacher, who I do not think did a good job, but that is another entry, told me that she thought I should retain W in kindergarten for another year. Not my baby!!! He is brilliant!
Then the new counselor who has never laid one eyeball on my child called me on the phone and said that according to my chart I was "undecided" about retention for next year. Well any of you that know me can imagine how that flew all over me. "I am not undecided about anything," I told her. "I am quite clear on all the facts." Then I proceeded to write letters voicing my displeasure over the schools lack of efforts on my child's part and his getting kicked out of his IEP and yadda yadda yadda.
So I hired tutors to teach W to read and write this summer and get him ready for first grade. Tutors who know W like a book and who I trust completely. They sat me down last week and recommended that I indeed need to retain W another year in kindergarten. That in spite of all our efforts, he is just not ready. I should continue to pursue my quest for a new IEP and hand pick his teacher with the aid of the principal and counselor. UGH now I have to call that ding dong counselor and eat crow! What I do for my kids!!
Oh well, the pitfalls of being passionate about stuff, right? Sometimes you have to eat crow. But the other times? You get er done!!!
And next year you may just be thrilled with this decision! What a rip-your-heart-out decision. Pray for peace and guidance when you call that counselor..... she will hopefully surprise you and be understanding!